Alex Luci Angel
Feisty dark haired fighter, ex CIS trained Marine, ex cop who is co-owner of the detective agency.
ALEX with Shoshanna’s voice
The actress playing ALEX was changed from Episode 20 of Season 3 due to Helen Ekundayo being unavailable because of considerable commitments as a director of theatre productions. To maintain release cadence we have had to substitute. We thank Helen for her amazing work with ALEX and look forward to other contributions as other characters in future. This sample shows Shoshanna Berry-Porters amazing follow on work.
ALEX Instigated primary interactions
With who does ALEX mostly start conversations.
Night Fever (With Vibro Sword)
Each character was asked to produce a short video to their favourite track. Alex chose Night Fever by the Bee Gees. She unfortunately also chose to feature her favourite weapons. The only other person who would get on stage with her was Ghost as she couldn’t be harmed. We hope you like the results!
Weapons Specialist.
Ex-military weapons specailist who is now too old for that job. Retired at age 42 to start agency.
Bit of a wild child but very loyal to those few close friends she has.
Very close with Sharrow due to their past connections from their days together in boarding school.
Action Girl.
Alex is the brawn with charm and likes to dive in and do
Like Sisters.
Sharrow is like her little sister, and she is very protective of her.
Sharrow and Alex have never fought.
They may be very different but underneath they come from the same circumstance of growing up parent-less at the High-cliff Boarding School for Girls, and both appreciate having nothing but each other..
Alex + Women.
When it comes to relationships, Alex attracts women without trying, mainly married homemakers
but in recent years has settled down and now lives with Marie.
She had got herself into some sticky situations with the women’s husbands,
and Sharrow always came to the rescue pretending to be a tax agent or some similar ruse,
side tracking the hapless husbands and giving Alex time to escape.
Send an email to Alex
Want to get in touch, why not send an email to Alex