GANDER Series is now out
The new season of the Angel and May universe is now out. This focuses on Gander and how she came to New London and eventually became the Retrograde Inn owner.
Arter Kornrumpf in studio recording video
Arter Kornrumpf recoding a video short explaining how we make the vocal expressions in Angel & May
Kathy Manning records for Gander series
Kathy Manning tackles the Ms HULME character for her first outing with Angel and May.
Kyle was in the studio recording the RUDI parts for the GANDER series
Kylie in Studio recording her RUDI vocal expressions
Kirsty & Leon Recording Incidental Parts for the Gander Series
Kirsty & Leon shown recording incidental parts for the Gander Series
Arter Kornrumpf recording Croupier for the Gander series
A solid recording session with Arter Kornrumpf for the CROUPIER character. It sounds excellent!
Status Update 22-10-17
A short audio status update has been released to keep everyone in the loop!
Re-imagining of the ‘Young’ Gander
A new render of the younger version of ‘Gander’ as ‘David’
Recording Starts on ‘Gander’ Series
Luke O’ Neill is the first artist to start work on the Gander series
Animatic Release Event
Cast and Crew gather for the first viewing of the Animatic “Partridge in a Pear Tree”